While COVID-19 figures may alleviate over the next few months, we will have strict precautions and procedures in place. We will follow all governmental guidelines to provide a safe and controlled environment for your children to enjoy.

It is vital for any child or parent who is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms to stay at home and get in touch with their GP. Symptoms include but are not limited to a high temperature, a cough, shortness of breath, and/or loss of change to your sense of taste and/or smell. Our leaders will ensure all necessary hygiene and other guidelines are met. They will follow strict procedures to ensure the safe isolation of any child or staff member who exhibits symptoms until it is possible for them to go home.

Our programmes may look a little different than those attended in previous years. However, it is our goal to ensure that kids end each day happy and excited about the activities and games that they engaged in throughout the day. We want them to leave eager and enthusiastic about the endless opportunities that STEAM can provide to their future.

We thank you in advance for your co-operation with our safety measures.

Reduced Capacity
Camp sizes have been reduced. Be sure to book early to secure as limited space.

Sanitisation materials such as hand sanitiser and wipes will be available at all of our camps. If your child prefers a particular hand sanitiser or has allergies, please ensure they have their own sanitiser with them at all times.

All of our camps will be in either and well ventilated indoor space or  outdoor, open air space. In the event of adverse weather and if covid guidelines allow it, we will move indoors, where we will maintain strict COVID safety measures.

Personal belongings
All personal belongings should be labelled and kept in a bag or backpack. Children should refrain from sharing and touching each other’s belongings.

Guidelines may change over the coming months as the COVID-19 situation evolves.